
International Organization of Psychoanalytic Societies

Organisation internationale des sociétés psychanalytiques

Organización Internacional de Sociedades Psicoanalíticas

International Organization of Psychoanalytic Societies

The International Organization of Psychoanalytic Societies (IOPS) is a global association of psychoanalytic societies that has been instrumental in advancing the field of psychoanalysis. Founded in 1962, IOPS has grown to include over 70 member societies from around the world. In this essay, we will explore the history, structure, and impact of IOPS on the field of psychoanalysis.

The founding of IOPS was a response to the growing need for collaboration and communication among psychoanalytic societies around the world. The organization's purpose is to promote the development and dissemination of psychoanalytic theory and practice, as well as to establish and maintain ethical standards for the profession. IOPS member societies have made significant contributions to the organization, including hosting conferences and workshops, publishing journals, and supporting research initiatives.


The organization is made up of associations and public entities with a presidential institute of 12 presidents chosen from a group of 15 candidates who make up a group of 32 presidents along with four speakers, all for a 12-year term.

Nisiel Thierry

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